PS: No public code yet
Years ago I gave myself the task of making a morse coding device, that is anything but a plain keyboard. Could have been a braille typewriter machine, having some 7 keys. But having a lot of morse kind of devices already, I stayed on the side swiping things.
Having tried the iambic mode, I realised that the timing part of “put a dash into the dots at the right time” was the hard one. And when typed and transmitted goes 1-to-1, i.e. you hear what you send, it would be even harder to transmit on different speeds. Using iambic, the timing in putting a dash into the L, . _ . . would be different using speed 12 and 18. I also wanted the correct letter spacing, and even word spacing (well that did call for some timing stuff)
Pressing dih or dah button will make 1, and max 2 dih/dah’s. The shortdelay determines when you get 2.
After same shortdelay without any dih/dah, you will get a letter space.
After a longer shortdelay without any dih/dah, you get the word spacing
di da | Nomenclature | |
dih | i | short press dih |
dah | a | short press dah |
dih dih | I | longer press dih |
dah dah | A | longer press dah |
shortdelay | - | at least shortdelay |
the long shortdelay | – | a longer shortdelay |
L | Morse | How it’s keyed | alternative |
M | _ _ | aa | A |
S | . . . | iI | Ii |
L | . _ . . | iaI | iaii |
V | . . . - | iIa | Iia |
1 | . _ _ _ _ | iAA | |
2 | . . _ _ _ | IAa | IaA or iiaA or .. |
CQ | _ . _ . / _ _ . _ | aiai-Aia |
Hello World = II-i-iaI-iaI-aA – iA-aA-iai-iaI-aI
Only timing is - and –, and you just key as fast as you like.
VS | CWComfort | Iambic | Iambic? |
wpm | ok | bad | Iambic forces you to track wpm used |
counting | ok | bad | Iambic forces you to “insert dot on correct timing” |
release | ok | bad | Bad as you also have to release inserted key on right timing |
A | easy | easy | same same |
C | easy, but more keys | easy, but timing sucks | Iambic still needs timimg to release on last dah |
2 | easy | tough | remember to release after 3 times dah, and timing depends on wpm |