Christen Fihl, CV

Christen Fihl, CV

Title: Senior Systems Architect
Education: 1982: DTH/DTU, Master of Science, electronics

Main interests, technical:

Year Commercial Private
1956    Born
1972   Radioamatør, OZ1AAB, mens i realskolen (9 kl)
..82   Master of Science, DTH (DTU), elektro
..82 PolyData during education Sold and repaired computer kits. Lavet byggesæt for computer brugere. Bl.a. MiDiCos, digital kassettebånd OS med 60KByte, solgt i knap 100 byggesæt (mange).
1982 DISA A/S, medical electronics, urologi.  
82…84 Innovative Business Software A/S.  
   Alarm program on IBM Series/1.  
   Installation and responsibility in USA, Brinks..  
84…90   Borland + PolyData/PolyTech Private
   Graphics, BCD og 8087 code to Borland Pascal and PolyPascal Multitask kerne, benyttet i bl.a. online tips-systemer i danske kiosker.
   Danish manual to PolyPascal PolyLink (samme som Microsoft’s InterLink, LabLink og andre) blot lavet i 1984!
   Macintosh Pascal with debugger Ekstern for IBS A/S. Projekt: Tandlæge højskolen, det nye Panum: Design af PLC og tilhørende kabler og udstyr, for styring af 330 tandlægestoles kø- og indkalds- system. Designet og monteret 3 typer print i 200 eksemplarer.
   Scandis Pascal (Swedish computer), with hw graphics. Ambra Soft A/S: Projekt “Børsinformation Telecom” (Klaus Riskær Pedersen). Lavet kommunikations driver for journalist systemet, dvs. modtage nyheder fra eksterne bureauer, håndtere køsystem og sende data til on-line kunder i Danmark, sende børskurser til ops modtagere hvert minut.
   Inline assembler BASM for Borland Pascal, Delphi 1 og C++. Used up to Delphi 5  
90… IBS A/S  
   Westinghouse, online handling of 65000 private customers alarm panels. Skrevet tekniske artikler til det danske PC-World
   Honeywell, multi protocol concentrator for alarm reception from various equipment. Produceret egen Pascal oversætter til Amiga og Atari. Solgt for royalties via dansk firma til Maxon Gmbh som Maxon Pascal, og til HiSoft ltd som HighSpeed Pascal.
   Honeywell, manual pc. Database download to flat files and quick lookup of max 500000 customers data (backup purpose). Kontrakt job for Borland Inc. Lavet BASM, en 32bits inline assembler for Delphi og C++ produkterne.
   Securitas AB, datex, X.21  
   New 112 system for Copenhagen 112 alarm central, on Unix server  
   Responsible for A2Master development, a DOS alarm program  
   System design for interVIEW, our new client-server program.  
   Designed and implemented new 112 system for Copenhagen 112 alarm central, now on Windows   
1999..   112 for Rigspoliti, version 1.  
   Design and implemented in 3 areas, Odense, Århus og Ålborg. Produceret en ny Pascal oversætter til Palm Pilot. Solgt (nu shareware) via egen internet server
   Partner in Innovative Business Software A/S with 20% shares, and member of board (incl hjemmebygget news server til support)
2002   112 Rigspoliti, version 2, country wide version. With central server, replication and 8 locations in call-center setup.   Fatter interesse for VoIP og udvikler grundmoduler og metoder i Delphi.
   Senere benyttet hos Innovative Business Software A/S    
2004   VoIP, 100% own code, SIP  
   VoIP misc DTMF protocols, for elevator routine calls and homecare calls.   Solgt DSP ekspertise til highspeed filtre på Palm lomme computere til for tale genkendelse/talestyring.
   118-phonebook lookup, for 112. Free format text search in 10 million numbers in 2 seconds. Laver video overførsel pc-pc med egen udviklet DCT kodning
2005   112: Location positioning of mobile phones in Denmark for 112 use.  
   Specified LIF protocol including SOAP call, for all Danish mobile operators to follow.  Genoptaget amatørradio
   SOAP front end to reception of location data. Afholdt JOTA på kortbølge
   Test program for this too. DSP, fx til PSK.
   VoIP, now with VoiceLogger (wav files)  
2006   Eksperiments with VHF radio and communication of GPS information, what later becomes interGATE, our fleet system (on GMS, SINE,..).   PoC (=ptt på gsm) Senere er denne knap forsvundet igen fra non-smart-phones
2007   interGATE hardware, controlling standard Garmin GPS using own designed and build hardware, on GSM radio. 800 units sold dansk-software-til-800-politibiler-og-12-vagtcentraler  
2008   VoIP, even more functionality  
2009   COP15 = Lots of Tetra interfaces  
2010   Tetra  
2011   Now sold about 2000 units of interGATE, mostly police  
2012   Playing around with what to use an iPad for  
2013   iPad ideas ended up in interCOP, our tablet solution. Har nu været spejder, som bæver leder, i Egedal KFUM i 6 år
   New IBS office, own corner of office, now R&D, making new things even with 3D design  
   Member of board of Innovative Business Software A/S  
2014   Got a student for 5 month, doing a new smart hardware thing, something with elderly care,…  
   Today been at IBS for about 27 years  
2015..16   Lost hardware lab at office, now moved to my private lab, Ølstykke.   Arduino
   interGATE for Tetra in Libanon   RedPitaya
   interGATE4 = interGATE but now as an App on iPad = much simple installations, XCode, Swift   RaspberryPi
   CPH airport is first on new Innovative product range. Did lots of interfaces   WSPR
2017 Working halftime on architecting cloud solutions, halftime on classic tasks Member of the board.
  investigating new scaling for ISM, like MicroServices, Azure, Docker  
2018 small services on DigitalOcean, Ubuntu, Do try a free drive of DigitalOcean
2021   Working QO-100 satellite
2022 TDC Erhverv, Systems Architect, mostly 1-1-2 software Lots of CW hardware

In general, lots of bits & bytes still left in my head

Christen Fihl
Jellingvej 6
3650 Ølstykke

What Where
Facebook hobby, radio